C# in Depth

Iterator block implementation details: auto-generated state machines


Iterators have been in .NET since its first release, but C# 2 made them easy to implement using iterator blocks. In this article I'll go into details of how the Microsoft C# compiler converts iterator blocks into state machines. If you aren't sure about the IEnumerable and IEnumerator interfaces (and their generic counterparts) or the basics of iterator blocks, it would be worth reading an article giving more details about them (or chapter 6 of C# in Depth, which is a free sample chapter), before continuing with this article.

Pretty much all of this article is implementation-specific. The Mono compiler may approach things in a slightly different way, for instance. It's likely to be very similar though; when in doubt as to what you can rely on, consult the language specification. (Iterator blocks are covered in section 10.14 of the C# 3.0 spec.

High level overview: what's the pattern?

This article originally came about because a reader asked about the difference between using iterator blocks for methods returning IEnumerator and those returning IEnumerable. In addition, there's the choice between the nongeneric interfaces and the generic ones. We'll start off by using the same iterator block for each of the four possibilities, and look at the differences in the generated code. Throughout this article I'll present the C# equivalent of the code that the compiler produces. Obviously the compiler doesn't actually produce C#, but I've used Reflector to decompile the code as C#.

Our first sample will just yield the numbers 0 to 9 in sequence. Initially we'll declare the method to return the nongeneric IEnumerator. Here's the complete code:

using System;
using System.Collections;

class Test
    static IEnumerator GetCounter()
        for (int count = 0; count < 10; count++)
            yield return count;

Simple, right? Well, let's see what that turns into after compilation. Hold your breath...

internal class Test
    // Note how this doesn't execute any of our original code
    private static IEnumerator GetCounter()
        return new <GetCounter>d__0(0);

    // Nested type automatically created by the compiler to implement the iterator
    private sealed class <GetCounter>d__0 : IEnumerator<object>, IEnumerator, IDisposable
        // Fields: there'll always be a "state" and "current", but the "count"
        // comes from the local variable in our iterator block.
        private int <>1__state;
        private object <>2__current;
        public int <count>5__1;

        public <GetCounter>d__0(int <>1__state)
            this.<>1__state = <>1__state;

        // Almost all of the real work happens here
        private bool MoveNext()
            switch (this.<>1__state)
                case 0:
                    this.<>1__state = -1;
                    this.<count>5__1 = 0;
                    while (this.<count>5__1 < 10)
                        this.<>2__current = this.<count>5__1;
                        this.<>1__state = 1;
                        return true;
                        this.<>1__state = -1;

                case 1:
                    goto Label_004B;
            return false;

        void IEnumerator.Reset()
            throw new NotSupportedException();

        void IDisposable.Dispose()

        object IEnumerator<object>.Current
                return this.<>2__current;

        object IEnumerator.Current
                return this.<>2__current;

We'll start off with a reasonably high level look at what's going on, explaining each member. The real work is done in MoveNext() so we'll skim over that at this point, and go deeper into just that method when we're happy with the rest of the code. Looking at the code from top to bottom, here's a running commentary:

Generic vs nongeneric interfaces

We've seen how declaring a method to return IEnumerator results in an iterator which implements IEnumerator<object> as well. Now let's change the code just slightly, to make the method explicitly return IEnumerator<int>:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class Test
    static IEnumerator<int> GetCounter()
        for (int count = 0; count < 10; count++)
            yield return count;

I won't post the whole of the resulting code, but here are the changes. Firstly, and most obviously, the GetCounter() method has changed return type, but nothing else:

private static IEnumerator<int> GetCounter()
    return new <GetCounter>d__0(0);

Likewise the iterator now implements IEnumerator<int> instead of IEnumerator<object>. The type involved here is called the yield type of the iterator. Every yield return statement has to return something which can be implicitly converted to the yield type. As we've seen, when a nongeneric interface is used the yield type is object. Here's the new class signature:

private sealed class <GetCounter>d__0 : IEnumerator<int>, IEnumerator, IDisposable

Similarly the Current property implementing the generic interface and the backing variable are changed to int:

private int <>2__current;

int IEnumerator<int>.Current
        return this.<>2__current;

Other than those minor changes, the class looks the same as it did before.

Returning IEnumerable

There are more significant changes if we change the original code to return IEnumerable or its generic equivalent instead of IEnumerator. We'll change the code to return IEnumerable<int> and stick with the generic interfaces from now on, as we've seen they make very little difference. So, here's the source:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class Test
    static IEnumerable<int> GetCounter()
        for (int count = 0; count < 10; count++)
            yield return count;

... and the resulting code (with attributes stripped out for brevity):

internal class Test
    private static IEnumerable<int> GetCounter()
        return new <GetCounter>d__0(-2);

    private sealed class <GetCounter>d__0 : IEnumerable<int>, IEnumerable, IEnumerator<int>, IEnumerator, IDisposable
        // Fields
        private int <>1__state;
        private int <>2__current;
        private int <>l__initialThreadId;
        public int <count>5__1;

        public <GetCounter>d__0(int <>1__state)
            this.<>1__state = <>1__state;
            this.<>l__initialThreadId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;

        private bool MoveNext()
            switch (this.<>1__state)
                case 0:
                    this.<>1__state = -1;
                    this.<count>5__1 = 0;
                    while (this.<count>5__1 < 10)
                        this.<>2__current = this.<count>5__1;
                        this.<>1__state = 1;
                        return true;
                        this.<>1__state = -1;

                case 1:
                    goto Label_0046;
            return false;

        IEnumerator<int> IEnumerable<int>.GetEnumerator()
            if ((Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId == this.<>l__initialThreadId) && (this.<>1__state == -2))
                this.<>1__state = 0;
                return this;
            return new Test.<GetCounter>d__0(0);

        IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
            return ((IEnumerable<Int32>) this).GetEnumerator();

        void IEnumerator.Reset()
            throw new NotSupportedException();

        void IDisposable.Dispose()

        int IEnumerator<int>.Current
                return this.<>2__current;

        object IEnumerator.Current
                return this.<>2__current;

I've shown the whole code again so that we can easily see the differences:

So, what's going on? Well, the most common use case (by far) is that an instance of IEnumerable<T> is created, then something (like a foreach statement) calls GetEnumerator() from the same thread, iterates through the data, and disposes of the IEnumerator<T> at the end. The original IEnumerable<T> is never used after the initial call to IEnumerator<T>. Given the prevalence of that pattern, it makes sense for the C# compiler to choose a pattern which optimises towards that case. When that's the behaviour, we only create a single object even though we're using it to implement two different instances. The state of -2 is used to represent "GetEnumerator() hasn't been called yet" whereas 0 is used to represent "I'm ready to start iterating, although MoveNext() hasn't been called yet".

However, if you either try to call GetEnumerator() either from a different thread, or when it's not in a state of -2, the code has to create a new instance in order to keep track of the different states. In the latter case you've basically got two independent counters, so they need independent data storage. GetEnumerator() deals with initializing the new iterator, and then returns it ready for action. The thread safety aspect is there to prevent two separate threads from independently calling GetEnumerator() at the same time, and both ending up with the same iterator (i.e. this).

That's the basic pattern when it comes to implementing IEnumerable<T>: the compiler implements all the interfaces in the same class, and the code lazily creates extra iterators when it has to. We'll see that there's more work to do when parameters are involved, but the basic principal is the same.

Choosing between interfaces to return

Normally, IEnumerable<T> is the most flexible interface to return. If your iterator block doesn't change anything, and your class isn't implementing IEnumerable<T> itself (in which case you'd have to return an IEnumerator<T> from your GetEnumerator() method, of course), it's a good choice. It allows clients to use foreach, iterate several times, use LINQ to Objects and general goodness. It's definitely worth using the generic interfaces instead of the nongeneric ones. From here on I'll only refer to the nongeneric interfaces in the text, but each time I'll mean both forms. (In other words, there's an important distinction between IEnumerable and IEnumerator, but from this point on I won't distinguish between IEnumerable and IEnumerable<T>).

State management

There are up to x pieces of state that the iterator type needs to keep track of:

We'll look at each of the first three in turn.

Keeping track of where we've got to

The first piece of state in our state machine is the one which keeps track of how much code has executed from our original source. If you think of a normal state machine diagram (with circles and lines) this is which circle we're currently in. In many cases it's just referred to as the state - and indeed in our sample decompiled output so far we've seen it as <>1__state. (This is unfortunate as all of the rest of the data is state too, but never mind...) The specification refers to the states of before, running, suspended and after, but as we'll see suspended needs more detail - and we need an extra state for IEnumerable implementations.

Before I go any further, it's worth remembering that an iterator block doesn't just run from start to finish. When the method is originally called, the iterator is just created. It's only when MoveNext() is called (after a call to GetEnumerator() if we're using IEnumerable). At that point, execution starts at the top of the method as normal, and progresses as far as the first yield return or yield break statement, or the end of the method. At that point, a Boolean value is returned to indicate whether or not the block has finished iterating. If/when MoveNext() is called again, the method continues executing from just after the yield return statement. (If the previous call finished for any other reason, we've finished iterating and nothing will happen.) Without looking at the generated code, let's write a small program to step through a simple iterator. Here's the code:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class Test
    static readonly string Padding = new string(' ', 30);
    static IEnumerator<int> GetNumbers()
        Console.WriteLine(Padding + "First line of GetNumbers()");
        Console.WriteLine(Padding + "Just before yield return 0");
        yield return 10;
        Console.WriteLine(Padding + "Just after yield return 0");

        Console.WriteLine(Padding + "Just before yield return 1");
        yield return 20;
        Console.WriteLine(Padding + "Just after yield return 1");
    static void Main()
        Console.WriteLine("Calling GetNumbers()");
        IEnumerator<int> iterator = GetNumbers();
        Console.WriteLine("Calling MoveNext()...");
        bool more = iterator.MoveNext();
        Console.WriteLine("Result={0}; Current={1}", more, iterator.Current);
        Console.WriteLine("Calling MoveNext() again...");
        more = iterator.MoveNext();
        Console.WriteLine("Result={0}; Current={1}", more, iterator.Current);

        Console.WriteLine("Calling MoveNext() again...");
        more = iterator.MoveNext();
        Console.WriteLine("Result={0} (stopping)", more);

I've included some padding for the output created in the iterator block to make the results clearer. The lines on the left are in the calling code; the lines on the right are in the iterator block:

Calling GetNumbers()
Calling MoveNext()...
                              First line of GetNumbers()
                              Just before yield return 0
Result=True; Current=10
Calling MoveNext() again...
                              Just after yield return 0
                              Just before yield return 1
Result=True; Current=20
Calling MoveNext() again...
                              Just after yield return 1
Result=False (stopping)

Now let's introduce the values that <>1__state can take on, and their meanings:

It's interesting to note that the generated code doesn't distinguish between "running" and "after". There's really no reason why it should: if you call MoveNext() when the iterator's in that state (which may be due to it running in a different thread) then MoveNext() will just immediately return false. This state is also the one we end up in after an uncaught exception.

Now that we know what the states are for, let's look at what MoveNext() looks like for the above iterator. It's basically a switch statement that starts execution at a particular place in the code based on the state. That's always the case for MoveNext(), with the one exception of an iterator body which consists solely of a yield break.

private bool MoveNext()
    switch (this.<>1__state)
        case 0:
            this.<>1__state = -1;
            Console.WriteLine(Test.Padding + "First line of GetNumbers()");
            Console.WriteLine(Test.Padding + "Just before yield return 0");
            this.<>2__current = 10;
            this.<>1__state = 1;
            return true;

        case 1:
            this.<>1__state = -1;
            Console.WriteLine(Test.Padding + "Just after yield return 0");
            Console.WriteLine(Test.Padding + "Just before yield return 1");
            this.<>2__current = 20;
            this.<>1__state = 2;
            return true;

        case 2:
            this.<>1__state = -1;
            Console.WriteLine(Test.Padding + "Just after yield return 1");
    return false;

This is a very simple case, of course - we just start off in state 0, then 1, then 2, then -1 (although we're briefly in -1 while the code executes each time, of course). Let's take a look at our first example again. Here's the original code:

using System;
using System.Collections;

class Test
    static IEnumerator GetCounter()
        for (int count = 0; count < 10; count++)
            yield return count;

and here's the MoveNext() method, just as we saw before:

private bool MoveNext()
    switch (this.<>1__state)
        case 0:
            this.<>1__state = -1;
            this.<count>5__1 = 0;
            while (this.<count>5__1 < 10)
                this.<>2__current = this.<count>5__1;
                this.<>1__state = 1;
                return true;
                this.<>1__state = -1;
         case 1:
            goto Label_004B;
    return false;

Yes, it's using a goto statement to leap from one case to half-way through another. Ouch. Don't forget that this is only generated code though. When you think about it, for loops and while loops are really just nice wrappers round comparisons and jumps. We don't really care how nasty this code is in terms of readability, so long as it works and performs well. The simplest way for the C# compiler team to achieve those two goals was to model it all with switch and goto.

I don't intend to explain how all the different transformations take place. I'll look at the handling of finally blocks later on, and it's interesting to note that you can't yield (either to return or break) from a try block which has a catch block, or from any catch or finally block. Importantly, you can yield from a try block which only has a finally block. That means you can still use using statements, which can be very handy indeed. It can be quite interesting to experiment with different ways of making the code branch and loop, and then see what happens to the generated MoveNext() method. However, I couldn't do that exhaustively whereas you can experiment very easily. The simple examples above show the principle, along with the states involved. Let's move on to the next piece of state.

Local variables

Normal local variables are very simple in iterator blocks. They become instance variables in the iterator type, and are assigned meaningful values in the same way (and at the same point) that they'd be initialized in normal code. Of course, being instance variables there's no longer any meaningful idea of them being definitely assigned, but the normal compilation rules will prevent you from seeing their default values (unless you deliberately mess with the state described above, using reflection). All of this can be seen in the earlier example with the <count>5__1 variable.

The nature of local variables means that creating an iterator instance doesn't require any extra information about the variables themselves - any initial value will be set within the course of the code. That initial value may rely on non-local variables of course, which brings me to the final type of state.

Parameters and this

Methods implemented with iterator blocks can take parameters, and if they're instance methods they can use this as well. Any reference to an instance variable of the type containing the iterator block is effectively just using this and then navigating from that reference to the variable. Here's an example containing both a method parameter (max and a reference to an instance variable min - I've qualified the instance variable with this just to make it clear.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class Test
    int min;
    public Test(int min)
        this.min = min;
    public IEnumerator<int> GetCounter(int max)
        for (int count = this.min; count < max; count++)
            yield return count;

Note that it's returning an IEnumerator rather than an IEnumerable. This makes more of a difference when using parameters and this than it does otherwise, as we'll see soon. Here are the interesting bits of the generated code:

internal class Test
    private int min;

    public Test(int min)
        this.min = min;

    public IEnumerator<int> GetCounter(int max)
        <GetCounter>d__0 d__ = new <GetCounter>d__0(0);
        d__.<>4__this = this;
        d__.max = max;
        return d__;

    private sealed class <GetCounter>d__0 : IEnumerator<int>, IEnumerator, IDisposable
        private int <>1__state;
        private int <>2__current;
        public Test <>4__this;
        public int <count>5__1;
        public int max;

        public <GetCounter>d__0(int <>1__state)
            this.<>1__state = <>1__state;

        private bool MoveNext()
            switch (this.<>1__state)
                case 0:
                    this.<>1__state = -1;
                    this.<count>5__1 = this.<>4__this.min;
                    while (this.<count>5__1 < this.max)
                        this.<>2__current = this.<count>5__1;
                        this.<>1__state = 1;
                        return true;
                        this.<>1__state = -1;

                case 1:
                    goto Label_0050;
            return false;

        // Other methods as normal

We've gained two extra fields in the iterator. One is just called max, and the other is <>4__this. Where the original code accesses min, the generated code accesses <>4__this.min - which it can do despite Test.min being private due to the fact that it's in a nested type.

The interesting and (to my mind) somewhat counterintuitive part is the way these extra fields are initialised. Personally, I would have added them as constructor parameters, making both of them private and <>4__this readonly too. Eric Lippert, from the C# team, has explained that the code which is responsible for this is the same code which hoists captured variables from closures - and those really do need to be public so that the original method can still get at them. So basically it's a code reuse issue rather than there being a sneaky reason why it couldn't have been done my preferred way. There's no real harm here, but I find this sort of thing fascinating :)

As it happens, our iterator block doesn't change the value of max - but it could do. Now suppose that instead of IEnumerator we were to return IEnumerable. Given that we want each of the iterators generated by calls to GetEnumerator() to use the original value of max, how does the compiler keep things in check? Here's the interesting subset of generated code (the source is the same as it was before, just with a change to the return type).

internal class Test
    private int min;

    public IEnumerable<int> GetCounter(int max)
        <GetCounter>d__0 d__ = new <GetCounter>d__0(-2);
        d__.<>4__this = this;
        d__.<>3__max = max;
        return d__;

    private sealed class <GetCounter>d__0 : IEnumerable<int>, IEnumerable, IEnumerator<int>, IEnumerator, IDisposable
        private int <>1__state;
        private int <>2__current;
        public int <>3__max;
        public Test <>4__this;
        private int <>l__initialThreadId;
        public int <count>5__1;
        public int max;

        public <GetCounter>d__0(int <>1__state)
            this.<>1__state = <>1__state;
            this.<>l__initialThreadId = Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId;

        private bool MoveNext()
            switch (this.<>1__state)
                case 0:
                    this.<>1__state = -1;
                    this.<count>5__1 = this.<>4__this.min;
                    while (this.<count>5__1 < this.max)
                        this.<>2__current = this.<count>5__1;
                        this.<>1__state = 1;
                        return true;
                        this.<>1__state = -1;

                case 1:
                    goto Label_0050;
            return false;

        IEnumerator<int> IEnumerable<int>.GetEnumerator()
            Test.<GetCounter>d__0 d__;
            if ((Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId == this.<>l__initialThreadId) && (this.<>1__state == -2))
                this.<>1__state = 0;
                d__ = this;
                d__ = new Test.<GetCounter>d__0(0);
                d__.<>4__this = this.<>4__this;
            d__.max = this.<>3__max;
            return d__;

Now we've got another extra field (<>3__max) to represent the original value of the max parameter. Every time we start using an instance as an IEnumerator (i.e. the state becomes 0, whether it's on construction or not) we initialise the max field with that value. Note that we don't need to have an extra field for <>4__this because this is readonly for reference types, so it can't possibly be changed by the original code. (Iterator blocks which occur in structs and which reference this do have an extra field for the initial value of this, as that could be changed by the iterator block code.)

Arguably the compiler could check that nothing changes the parameter's value and avoid the copying, but I suspect that would be more effort than it's worth, with odd corner cases. The current system allows you to change parameter values in weird and wonderful ways without causing problems for any other iterators created from the same IEnumerable instance.

That wraps up all the state we need to keep track of, but there's one more issue we need to deal with: finally blocks.

And finally...

Iterators pose an awkward problem. Instead of the whole method executing before the stack frame is popped, execution effectively pauses each time a value is yielded. There's no way of guaranteeing that the caller will ever use the iterator again, in any way, shape or form. If you require some more code to be executed at some point after the value is yielded, you're in trouble: you can't guarantee it will happen. To cut to the chase, code in a finally block which would normally be executed in almost all circumstances before leaving the method can't be relied on quite as much.

It's worth remembering that most finally blocks in code aren't written explicitly in C# - they're generated by the compiler as part of lock and using statements. lock is particularly dangerous in iterator blocks - any time you've got a yield return statement inside a lock block, you've got a threading issue waiting to happen. Your code will keep hold of the lock even when it has yielded the next value - and who knows how long it will be before the client calls MoveNext() or Dispose()? Likewise any try/finally blocks which are used for critical matters such as security shouldn't appear in iterator blocks: the client can deliberately prevent the finally block from executing if they don't need any more values.

The state machine is built so that finally blocks are executed when an iterator is used properly, however. That's because IEnumerator<T> implements IDisposable, and the C# foreach loop calls Dispose on iterators (even the nongeneric IEnumerator ones, if they implement IDisposable). The IDisposable implementation in the generated iterator works out which finally blocks are relevant to the current position (based on the state, as always) and execute the appropriate code.

Rather than giving another unrealistic example, this time I'll show you one of my favourite uses for an iterator block. Such a simple class, but really handy. It lets you iterate over a text file (or any other TextReader) and closes the reader when either the iterator finishes or it's disposed. There's a slightly more fully-functional version in MiscUtil but only in terms of the ways in which you can construct the instance.

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;

public sealed class LineReader : IEnumerable<string>
    readonly Func<TextReader> dataSource;

    public LineReader(string filename)
        : this(() => File.OpenText(filename))

    public LineReader(Func<TextReader> dataSource)
        this.dataSource = dataSource;

    public IEnumerator<string> GetEnumerator()
        using (TextReader reader = dataSource())
            string line;
            while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                yield return line;

    IEnumerator IEnumerable.GetEnumerator()
        return GetEnumerator();

With LineReader in place, dumping a text file line by line is as easy as:

foreach (string line in new LineReader(filename))

Furthermore, you can use the LINQ Standard Query Operators to filter, project and so on. However, it's important to close the file as soon as we've finished iterating - whether that's because we've got to the end of the file, thrown an exception, or just decided we've read enough. Here are the interesting bits of the generated iterator class for LineReader:

private sealed class <GetEnumerator>d__3 : IEnumerator<string>, IEnumerator, IDisposable
    private int <>1__state;
    private string <>2__current;
    public LineReader <>4__this;
    public string <line>5__5;
    public TextReader <reader>5__4;

    private void <>m__Finally6()
        this.<>1__state = -1;
        if (this.<reader>5__4 != null)

    private bool MoveNext()
            switch (this.<>1__state)
                case 0:
                    this.<>1__state = -1;
                    this.<reader>5__4 = this.<>4__this.dataSource();
                    this.<>1__state = 1;
                    while ((this.<line>5__5 = this.<reader>5__4.ReadLine()) != null)
                        this.<>2__current = this.<line>5__5;
                        this.<>1__state = 2;
                        return true;
                        this.<>1__state = 1;

                case 2:
                    goto Label_0061;
            return false;
        // Note "fault" not "finally"

    void IDisposable.Dispose()
        switch (this.<>1__state)
            case 1:
            case 2:

            // Very strange! Reflector bug? See below.
    // Other stuff: Reset, Current, constructor etc.

There are quite a few interesting points to note here:

Again, there's more to be discovered if you experiment, but you can see that the compiler does its best to make sure that the finally blocks from the original iterator block are executed as faithfully as possible.


Phew! This article has been much longer than I expected. There are lots of different possibilities and quirks to be accounted for in iterator blocks, and I'm glad that it's up to the C# team to get them all right rather than me. As you can tell, Reflector is a fabulous aid when looking at what's going on under the hood, but you need to be aware that the C# compiler will generate code which has no direct comparable C#, such as the fault handler used in the last example.

The difference between writing iterators by hand and writing them using iterator blocks is absolutely enormous. A lot of the functionality of LINQ to Objects is quite easy to achieve using iterator blocks, although admittedly checking arguments at the appropriate time is tricky. Writing the same functionality by hand would be extremely painful and error-prone. I don't think it's much of an exaggeration to say that products like LINQBridge probably wouldn't exist without iterator blocks; I'm certain that much of the iterator-related code in MiscUtil wouldn't.

So a big "thank you" to the C# team, and I look forward to seeing what other tedious tasks they can eliminate for me.